Winter auto accidents and how to avoid them
On Behalf of Rosenberg, Eisenberg & Associates, LLC | January 19, 2023 | Auto Accidents
Winter weather is responsible for too many auto accidents in the Chicago Metropolitan area. They can bring an abundance of danger, including icy, slippery, and snowy roads, poor visibility, and vehicle accidents. When a winter storm comes, experts have several ways to prepare yourselves to avoid Auto Accidents.
Being aware and properly preparing yourselves for driving in winter storms can help ensure safety for you and all on the road. Illinois Department of Transportation states that winter weather can rapidly change, and road conditions can deteriorate, causing accidents and catastrophes. We recommend avoiding unnecessary travel during poor road conditions completely, but we have tips to stay safe during your travel.
Here are tips to avoid winter car accidents:
Actively check the weather forecast for any updates.
Limit all distractions while driving
Never use cruise control in poor conditions.
DO NOT drive above the speed limit, and reduce your speed in a more slippery area.
Allow plenty of room between the vehicles in front of you.
Make sure your tires are properly inflated.
Double-check your car’s battery and that your breaks are working well.
Be careful around plows and hazardous areas.
No one can predict an accident, but taking the necessary precautions and preparedness can help keep you safe. If you or anyone you know has been injured in a car accident, talk to a personal injury attorney about your options. Our team can help you determine your next steps.